The 92nd Street Y, New York, NY
92NY 150th Anniversary Celebrations in Dance, Literature and Music – 2023 & 2024
Academy of American Poets, New York, NY
General Operating Support
Alice Lloyd College, Pippa Passes, KY, Caney Cottage Scholarship Program
American Academy in Berlin, New York, NY
General Operating Support
American Academy in Rome, New York, NY
Rome Prizes in the Humanities 2023-2024
American Council of Learned Societies (ACLS), New York, NY
ACLS 2024 Fellowship
American Federation of Arts, New York, NY
Monuments and Myths: The America of Sculptors Augustus Saint-Gaudens and Daniel Chester French
Association for Jewish Studies, New York, NY
55th Annual Conference
Baltimore Museum of Art, Baltimore, MD, Making Her Mark: A History of Women Artists in Europe, 1400-1800
Bard Graduate Center, New York, NY
Sonia Delaunay: Designing a Life
Berkeley Language Center, Berkeley, CA
Teaching Modern Languages/Cultures through Film
Binghamton University, Binghamton, NY
“Pliny the Elder and Traditions of Natural Histories”
Brooklyn Public Library, Brooklyn, NY
The Salon at Center for Brooklyn History (CBH)
Chrysler Museum of Art, Norfolk, VA
Farm to Table: Art, Food, and Identity in the Age of Impressionism, exhibition
Classical Association of New England, Providence, RI
CANE Summer Institute 2023
Council of Independent Colleges, Washington, DC
Seminar on Ancient Medicine, Science, and Magic for Faculty Members at Small to Midsized, Independent Colleges and Universities
Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH
Living with Sculpture: Presence and Power in Europe, 1400–1750
Drexel University Lenfest Center for Cultural Partnerships, Philadelphia, PA
Sharing the Friends Historical Association Collection Online: Quakerism in the Philadelphia Area
Duke University, Department of Classical Studies, Durham, NC
AI and Etruscan Landscapes: a virtual exhibition on ancient environments
Foundation for City College, New York, NY
Poetry Outreach Center Presentation of Winning Poets
Frick Collection, New York, NY
Bellini and Giorgione: In the House of Taddeo Contarini
Friends of Palladio, Boston, MA
The TABLINUM Fellowship
Hastings College, Hastings, NB
Irish Fellows
Huntington Library, Art Collections, and Botanical Gardens, San Marino, CA
“Storm Cloud: Art, Science, Nature, and the Industrial Age”
Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, NJ
2023-24 Membership Support in the School of Historical Studies
Katonah Museum of Art, Katonah, NY
Stories of Syria’s Textiles: Art and Heritage across Two Millennia, museum exhibition
Lower Macungie Township Historical Society, Emmaus, PA
Fries Rebellion film
Morgan Library & Museum, New York, NY
Crafting the Ballets Russes: The Robert Owen Lehman Collection
New Museum of Contemporary Art, New York, NY
Presentation of historical artworks in the exhibition “Judy Chicago: Herstory”
Northwestern University, Evanston, IL
Research Initiative for the Study of Russian Philosophy and Religious Thought
Pittsburgh Cultural Trust, Pittsburgh, PA
2023 Pittsburgh Humanities Festival
Poetry Society of America, Brooklyn, NY
General Operating Support
Renaissance Society of America, Bronx, NY
Grants for Public Engagement Projects in Renaissance Studies
Save Ancient Studies Alliance, Teaneck, NJ
Online Reading Groups of Ancient Texts in Translation, Summer 2023
The Paideia Institute, New York, NY
Online Courses in Classical Languages
University of Delaware, Newark , DE
The John Dickinson Writings Project
University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC
Letters, Music, and the First Black British Vote: Ignatius Sancho’s Life and Times
University of St. Thomas, St. Paul, MN
Interdisciplinary Investigations of the Roman Villa Site on St. Clement Island, Croatia
The 92nd Street Y, New York, NY
92Y Unterberg Poetry Center Main Reading Series and Christopher Lightfoot Walker Literature Project 2022/23
Alice Lloyd College, Pippa Passes, KY
Caney Cottage Scholarship Program
American Academy in Rome, New York, NY
Rome Prizes in the Humanities 2022-2023
American Council of Learned Societies, New York, NY
ACLS 2023 Fellowship
American Folk Art Museum, Long Island City, NY
Morris Hirshfield Rediscovered
American Friends of the British Museum, New York, NY
Redirected from 2020 - The Woodpecking factory: Victorian illustrations by Dalziel Brothers
American Friends of Royal Museums Greenwich, New York, NY
Van de Velde 350: Greenwich, Art and the Sea - Re-Imagining the Van de Velde Studio
American Trust for the British Library, New York, NY
Alexander the Great: The Making of a Myth
American University, Washington, DC, The Correspondence of Zachary Taylor and Millard Fillmore
American Writers Museum, Chicago, IL
Dark Testament: A Century of Black Writers on Justice
Bard Graduate Center, New York, NY
Staging the Table in Europe, 1500-1800
Barnes Foundation, Philadelphia, PA
Digitizing, Interpreting, and Disseminating the Albert C. Barnes Correspondence
California Lutheran University, Thousand Oaks, CA
Lyceum Series: Flipping the Script: Unexpected Moments that Time Forgot
Classical Association of New England, Providence, RI
CANE Summer Institute
College of the Holy Cross, Worcester, MA
The Crusades and the Chertsey Combat Tiles: A Medieval Masterpiece Reconstructed
Denver Art Museum, Denver, CO
Exhibition Near East to Far West: Fantasies of French and American Colonialism
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco, San Francisco, CA
Sargent and Spain
The Frick Collection, New York, NY
Eveillard Drawings Exhibition
Hermitage Museum and Gardens, Norfolk, VA
Roberto Lugo Exhibition
Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, NJ
2022-23 Membership Support in the School of Historical Studies
International Print Center New York, New York, NY
Visual Record: The Materiality of Sound in Print Exhibition Catalogue and Education tool
Jewish Theological Seminary, New York, NY
16th Century Venetian Jewish Books Collaborative Cataloging Project
Library Company of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA
Hearing Voices: Memoirs from the Margins of Mental Health
Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Los Angeles, CA
The World Made Wondrous: The Dutch Collector’s Cabinet and the Politics of Possession
Lower Manhattan Cultural Council, New York, NY
FY22 Artist Residency Programs
Medgar Evers College, Center for Black Literature, New York, NY
The 16th National Black Writers Conference: The Beautiful Struggle, Black Writers Lighting the Way
Museum of Arts and Design, New York, NY
Exhibition Craft Front and Center
National Museum of Forest Service History, Missoula, MT
Schematic Design Phase of the Museum's Marquee Exhibit: "The Greatest Good: Our Country's Conservation Legacy"
Philadelphia Museum of Art, Philadelphia, PA
English-language catalogue to for the exhibition "Matisse in the 1930s"
Pittsburgh Cultural Trust, Pittsburgh, PA
2022 Humanities Festival
Poetry Society of America, Brooklyn, NY
FY2022 General Operating Support
Prehistoric Indian Village, Mitchell, SD
Building the Best For 2023
Renaissance Society of America, Bronx, NY
Book Prize in Renaissance Venetian Studies
Renaissance Society of America, Bronx, NY
Scholarships for International Conference in the Humanities
Schwenkfelder Library & Heritage Center, Pennsburg, PA
J.F. Hartranft and the Schwenkfelder Experience in the Civil War
Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC
Nature of the Book Exhibition
The Foundation for City College, New York, NY
Poetry Outreach Center Presentation of Winning Poets
The Jewish Museum, New York, NY
Exhibition on the Sassoons
Holocaust Commission of the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater, Virginia Beach, VA
To Life: Stories of Courage and Survival, Second Edition Project
University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada
Upper Okanagan Talking Dictionary Project
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI
Pella Urban Dynamics Project
University of Nebraska Foundation, Lincoln, NB
The Embedded Ethics program, an interdisciplinary initiative with the Department of Philosophy and the School of Computing
University of St. Thomas, St. Paul, MN
Interdisciplinary Investigations of the Roman Villa Site on St. Clement Island, Croatia
University of West Georgia, Carrollton, GA
Religious Art and Architecture of the Mediterranean Region
The 92nd Street Y, New York, NY
Unterberg Poetry Center Main Reading Series and Christopher Lightfoot Walker Literature Project 2021-22
Academy of American Poets, New York, NY
General Operating Support
American Academy in Berlin, New York, NY
General Operating Support
American Academy in Rome, New York, NY
Rome Prize Fellowships in the Humanities
American Agora Foundation/Lapham's Quarterly, New York, NY
Lapham's Quarterly Prison Program
American Council of Learned Societies, New York, NY
ACLS 2022 Centennial Fellowship
American Foundation for the Blind, Arlington, VA
Upgrade of the Digital Helen Keller Archive and Digitization and Dissemination of Annual Reports
American University, Washington, DC
The Correspondence of Zachary Taylor and Millard Fillmore
American University of Beirut, New York, NY
Lectures in the Humanities
Americans for Oxford, New York, NY
Ashmolean - Digitisation of Sir Arthur Evans’s Knossos excavation notebooks (1900-1926)
Association for Jewish Studies, New York, NY
AJS 54th Annual Conference
Baltimore Museum of Art, Baltimore, MD
African, Ancient American, and Oceanic Installations
Brooklyn Academy of Music, Brooklyn, NY
BAM Unbound/Literary Talks
Brooklyn Public Library, Brooklyn, NY
Night of Ideas with the French Embassy’s Cultural Services
Brooklyn Public Library, Brooklyn, NY
2022 Night of Philosophy and Ideas
California Lutheran University, Thousand Oaks, CA
Lyceum: Humanities and Beyond! - "Contagion"
Catching The Dream, Albuquerque, NM
MESBEC Scholarship Program
Chrysler Museum of Art, Norfolk, VA
Black Orpheus: Jacob Lawrence & The Mbari Club
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco, San Francisco, CA
Last Supper in Pompeii: From the Table to the Grave
Harvard Art Museums, Cambridge, MA
Dare to Know: Prints and Drawings in the Age of Enlightenment
Herbert F. Johnson Museum of Art, Ithaca, NY
Visions of Dante
Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, NJ
2021-22 Membership Support in the School of Historical Studies
Lower Manhattan Cultural Council, New York, NY
FY21 Artist Residency Programs
Marian University, Indianapolis, IN
August Wilson’s Pittsburg Series across the Centuries
Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI
Maximizing the J.R.R. Tolkien and the Art of the Manuscript Exhibition
Medgar Evers College, Center for Black Literature, New York, NY
They Cried I Am! Celebrating the Life and Work of Black Literary Writers Paule Marshall and John A. Williams
Mennonite Heritage Center, Harleysville, PA
Developing the History of the Perkiomen Valley exhibit
Montclair State University Foundation, Montclair, NJ
Villa of the Antonines Fresco Restoration and Documentation Project
More Than a Fraction Foundation, Baltimore, MD
The Merry Tree Memorial Event
Morgan Library & Museum, New York, NY
Holbein: Capturing Character
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, Boston, MA
Exhibition "Turner and the Modern World"
National Museum of Forest Service History, Missoula, MT
The Greatest Good: The Conservation Legacy of the United States
Pittsburgh Cultural Trust, Pittsburgh, PA
2021 Pittsburgh Humanities Festival
Poetry Society of America, Brooklyn, NY
General Operating Support
Renaissance Society of America, Bronx, NY
Scholarships for International Conference in the Humanities
Rhode Island Historical Society, Providence, RI
Digital restoration of a 15X24 ft view of Providence, RI (ca. 1810)
Saint Mary's College of California, Moraga, CA
Recording Italian Immigrant Histories in the Bay Area
Save Ancient Studies Alliance, Teaneck, NJ
Online Reading Groups of Ancient Texts in Translation, Summer 2022
The Foundation for City College, New York, NY
The Poetry Outreach Center
The Paideia Institute, New York, NY
Learning Reporting System for Self-Paced Digital Latin Courses
University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada
Exhibition and Digitization of Shakespeare’s 1623 First Folio
University of Georgia, Athens, GA
Wealth and Beauty: Pier Francesco Foschi and Painting in Renaissance Florence
University of Pittsburgh at Greensburg, Greensburg, PA
Medieval Manuscripts in the Curriculum
University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada
Dictionary of Old English
University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI
History of Cartography Project, July 2021–June 2022
Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, NY
Changing Forms: Metamorphosis in Myth, Art, and Nature 1650–1700
Alice Lloyd College, Pippa Passes, KY
Caney Cottage Scholarship Program
American Antiquarian Society, Worcester, MA
Critical Upgrade for Digital Asset System
American Council of Learned Societies
New York, NY
ACLS Centennial Fellowship
American Folk Art Museum
Long Island City, NY
American Perspectives: Stories from the American Folk Art Museum Collection
American Friends of the British Museum
New York, NY
Money in the Age of Becket
Authors Guild Foundation, New York, NY
FY21 Programs
Bard Graduate Center, New York, NY
Staging the Table in Europe, 1500–1800
Chicago History Museum, Chicago, IL
Vivian Maier Collection Project
Columbia University, Making and Knowing Project
New York, NY
Making and Knowing Project Research and Teaching Companion to Secrets of Craft and Nature in Renaissance France
Duke University, Department of Classical Studies
Durham, NC
Digital Etruria: a 3D repository for Etruscan and Roman urban archaeology - Vulci
Gardiner Museum, Toronto, Ontario
Global Luxury in Renaissance Venice
The Huntington Library, Art Collections, and Botanical Gardens
San Marino, CA
100 Great British Drawings
Historians of Netherlandish Art, Highland Park, NJ
From Batavia to the Gold Coast: Mapping Textile Circulation in the Dutch Global Market. Visual Glossary and Interactive Map
Holburne Museum, Bath, United Kingdom
Canaletto: Painting Venice - Exhibition & Education Programme
Katonah Museum of Art, Katonah, NY
ARRIVALS, museum exhibition
Lower Manhattan Cultural Council, New York, NY
Artist Residency Programs
Manhattan College, Riverdale, NY
Faculty Development in New Computing Technologies for the Humanities at the 2020 Digital Humanities Summer Institute
Morgan Library & Museum, New York, NY
Sublime Ideas: Drawings by Giovanni Battista Piranes
Museum of Fine Arts, St Petersburg
St Petersburg, FL
TRUE NATURE: Rodin and the Age of Impressionism
Museum of Northern Arizona, Flagstaff, AZ
Retrospective Exhibition of Works by Baje Whitethorne Sr
Pittsburgh Cultural Trust, Pittsburgh, PA
2020 Pittsburgh Humanities Festival
The 92nd Street Y, New York, NY
92Y Unterberg Poetry Center Renewal Request for FY21
The Frick Collection, New York, NY
Frick Madison
The Frick Collection, New York, NY
Virtual Programming
The Huntington Library, Art Collections, and Botanical Gardens
San Marino, CA
100 Great British Drawings
The Poetry Society of America, New York, NY
General Operating Support
Renaissance Society of America, Bronx, NY
Research Fellowships in the Humanities
Smart Museum of Art, The University of Chicago
Chicago, IL
Lust, Love, and Loss in Renaissance Europe, Smart Museum of Art Exhibition
Smithsonian American Art Museum
Washington D.C.
Sargent, Whistler and Venetian Glass: American Artists and the Magic of Murano
Trinity University, San Antonio, TX
Philosophy and Literature Circle at Torres Unit
University of Chicago, Chicago, IL
Roman Statutes Project: Renewing Roman Law
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Champaign, IL
Fake News and Lying Pictures: Political Prints in the Dutch Republic
University of Louisville Research Foundation
Louisville, KY
Love among the Ruins: A Production of Plato’s Symposium
University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA
Expanding Digital Sepoltuario: The Tombs of Renaissance Florence
Wadsworth Atheneum Museum of Art
Hartford, CT
Artemisia Gentileschi and Women Artists in Italy
Moravian College, Bethlehem, PA
Humanities for the Professions
New York University, New York, NY
Graduate Fellowship in Conservation
Philadelphia Museum of Art, Philadelphia, PA
Launching the Duchamp Research Portal
Pittsburgh Cultural Trust, Pittsburgh, PA
2019 Pittsburgh Humanities Festival
Saint Mary’s College of California, Moraga, CA
Partners in Public History: Training Students and Engaging Communities
Stony Brook Foundation, Inc., Stony Brook, NY
Acquisition of Early English and 18th Century Books Online
The 92nd Street Y, New York, NY
92Y Unterberg Poetry Center Main Reading Series and Christopher Lightfoot Walker Literature Project
The Book Club of California, San Francisco, CA
A Shimmer of Joy: One Hundred Children’s Picture Books in America by Chris Loker
The Foundation for City College, New York, NY
The Poetry Outreach Center (POC)
The Grolier Club of New York, New York, NY
Exhibition Catalogue for “The Best-Read Army in the World”
The Paideia Institute for Humanistic Study
New York, NY
Living Latin in Rome Visiting Professors and Scholarships
The Poetry Society of America, New York, NY
Public Programs in New York City
The Walters Art Museum, Baltimore, MD
Paintings for a Venetian Palace at the Walters Art Museum
University College Dublin, Dublin 4, Ireland
Entangled Manuscripts. An international conference of the “Practices of Knowledge Selection” project
University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC
Piranesi: Print, Book, Screen
University of Wisconsin Foundation, Madison, WI
History of Cartography Project
Villa I Tatti, the Harvard University Center for Italian Renaissance Studies, Cambridge, MA
I Tatti/Boğaziçi Joint Fellowship
Wadsworth Atheneum Museum of Art, Hartford, CT
Giorgione’s “La Vecchia”
Academy of American Poets, New York, NY
General Operating Support
American Academy in Rome
New York, NY
Rome Prize Fellowships in the Humanities for 2019-20
American Council of Learned Societies
New York, NY
ACLS Centennial Fellowship
American Folk Art Museum, Long Island City, NY
Made in New York City: The Business of Folk Art
American Printing History Association
New York, NY
Expanding Representation in Printing History through “One Press, Many Hands” Conference
American Writers Museum, Chicago, IL
Exhibit: Becoming American: Immigrant and Refugee Writing in the 21st Century
Arizona State University Foundation, Tempe, AZ
Rehumanizing the Dehumanized: Conversations on Prejudice, Genocide, and Ways Forward
Baltimore Museum of Art, Baltimore, MD
Exhibition, “Monsters & Myths: Surrealism and War in the 1930s and 1940s”
Brooklyn Academy of Music, Brooklyn, NY
Eat, Drink, & Be Literary
Brooklyn Public Library, Brooklyn, NY
2020 Night of Philosophy and Ideas
California Lutheran University, Thousand Oaks, CA
Lyceum: Accommodation and Resistance
Chrysler Museum of Art, Norfolk, VA
Americans in Spain
Classical Association of New England
Providence, RI
Summer Institute
Cornell University, Ithaca, NY
Freedom on the Move
Dartmouth College, Lebanon, NH
The Dartmouth Vietnam Project: Experiential Learning through Oral History Interviewing
Duke University Press, Durham, NC
Carlyle Letters Online (CLO)
Frist Art Museum, Nashville, TN
”Medieval Bologna: Art for a University City” exhibition catalogue
Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, NJ
2020-21 Membership Support in the School of Historical Studies
International Print Center New York, New York, NY
”Pulled in Brooklyn” Exhibition Catalogue
Joseph Brodsky Fellowship Fund, New York, NY
The Joseph Brodsky Lecture Series, 2020 inaugural lecture
Los Angeles County Museum of Art
Los Angeles, CA
Every Living Thing: Animals in Japanese Art
Lower Manhattan Cultural Council, New York, NY
Artist Residency Program for Writers
The Melville Society, Boise, ID
Melville’s Origins, the 12th International Melville Society Conference
Adirondack Experience, Blue Mountain Lake, NY
General Operating Support
American Academy in Rome, New York, NY
Rome Prize Fellowships in the Humanities
American Council of Learned Societies
New York, NY
ACLS Centennial Fellowship
American Folk Art Museum, Long Island City, NY
Charting the Divine Plan: The Art of Orra White Hitchcock (1796-1863)
Americans for Oxford, New York, NY
Printing Revolution Exhibition
American Friends of the Victoria and Albert Museum, New York, NY
Exploration photographs from the Royal Photographic Society Collection
Arizona State University Foundation, Tempe, AZ
The Importance of a Liberal Arts Education for a 21st Century workforce
Binghamton University, Binghamton, NY
Medieval Unfreedoms: Slavery, Servitude, and Trafficking in Humans before the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade
Brandeis University, Waltham, MA
Digital Amati: Computational Art History and the 1700 Stradivari “Stauffer-ex Cristiani” Violincello
Brown University, Providence, RI
Furnace and Fugue: A Digital Edition of Michael Maier’s Atalanta fugiens (1618) with Scholarly Commentary
Cambridge in America, New York, NY
Digital Mycenae: celebrating the centenary of British excavations at Agamemnon’s capital
Center for Italian Modern Art, New York, NY
Le Voci del CIMA: A New Journal for Modern Italian Art History
Department of Classics and Ancient Studies, Barnard College, New York, NY
The Music of Tragedy
El Paso Museum of Art Foundation, El Paso, TX
Kress Collection Reinterpretation and Reinstallation — Support for Didactics
Fashion Institute of Technology, New York, NY
The Body Questions: Celebrating Flamenco’s Tangled Roots
Georgia Tech Foundation, Inc., Atlanta, Georgia
The United States in World War I: A Symposium During the Centennial Year
Harry Ransom Center at The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX
Ethical Stewardship Today: Collecting, Conservation, and Access in the 21st Century
International Print Center New York, New York, NY
”Paper/Print: American Hand Papermaking, 1960s to Today” Scholarly Exhibition Catalogue
Library Company of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA
Program in African American History 2019 Exhibition “From Negro Pasts to Afro Futures: Creative Black Re-Imaginings”
Lower Manhattan Cultural Council, New York, NY
Artist Residency Programs for Writers
Lycoming College, Williamsport, PA
Legacy Data from the East Terrace Workshop Complex
Medgar Evers College, Center for Black Literature
New York, NY
Fourteenth National Black Writers Conference: A Gathering at the Waters: Healing, Legacy and Activism in Black Literature
Morgan Library & Museum, New York, NY
Drawing in Tintoretto’s Venice
Morgan Library & Museum, New York, NY
It’s Alive! Frankenstein at 200 exhibition, publication, and public programs
Museum of the Moving Image, Astoria, NY
Reimagining the Core Exhibition
Newberry Library, Chicago, IL
Nova Reperta: the Renaissance Representation of Invention and Globalization
New York Philharmonic, New York, NY
Update of Permanent Exhibitions
Pittsburgh Cultural Trust, Pittsburgh, PA
2018 Pittsburgh Humanities Festival
Ramapo College Foundation, Mahwah, NJ
Jane Addams Papers Project
Syracuse University Department of Religion
Syracuse, NY
German-American Research Collaboration on Latent Normative Texts and Reused Sacred Sites
The 92nd Street Y, New York, NY
92Y Unterberg Poetry Center Main Reading Series and Education Outreach
The Foundation for City College, New York, NY
The Poetry Center
The Paideia Institute for Humanistic Study
New York, NY
Living Latin in Rome Visiting Professors
The Poetry Society of America, New York, NY
Poetry in Motion & New York Events
University of California, Los Angeles
Los Angeles, CA
Scholarships for the study of English Paleography
University of Florida, Gainesville, FL
Plotting the Garden: Politics and Narrative in the Literature and Culture of Gardens
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI
The Olynthos Project
University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN
2018 Rome Seminar
University of Toronto, Dictionary of Old English
Toronto, Ontario
Dictionary of Old English
University of Wisconsin Foundation, Madison, WI
Student assistants for the History of Cartography project
Wadsworth Atheneum Museum of Art, Hartford, CT
Frederic Church: A Painter’s Pilgrimage
University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA
Music Encoding Initiative Developer Meeting and Introductory Tutorial
University of Wisconsin-Madison Libraries, Department of Special Collections, Madison, WI
Cataloging and Preserving the Fry Collection of Italian History and Culture
Villa I Tatti, the Harvard University Center for Italian Renaissance Studies, Cambridge, MA
Villa I Tatti / Bogazici Fellowship
Wadsworth Atheneum Museum of Art, Hartford, CT
Morgan: Mind of the Collector Symposium
Western University, London, ON
Research Ready: The Gustav Mahler–Alfred Rosé Collection
Worcester Art Museum, Worcester, MA
Coming Away: Winslow Homer and England
Yale University, New Haven, CT
Voice to Print: Transcribing the Early Years of the Fortunoff Video Archive for Holocaust Testimonies