

Venetian Research Program – U.S.


Barnett, Lydia
Earth Work: Labor, Knowledge, and Environment in Early Modern Italy and England
* Recipient of the Henry A. Millon Award in Art and Architectural History

Blasina, James
Reinterpreting a Saint in Venice: St. Katherine of Alexandria and the Festa dei Dotti

Brege, Brian
Staying Rich: Florentine Patricians, Intergenerational Wealth, and Global Trade

Cohen, Sarah
The Icons of San Marco in Venice: Images, Relics, and the History of their Veneration in the Doge's Chapel, ca. 1100-1500

Coleman, James
Reading Archipelagos: Italian Humanism and Early Modern Books of Islands
* Recipient of the Giles Constable Award

Eades, Lacie
Giovanni Rovetta: A Musical Emblem of Seventeenth-Century Venetian Prestige

Haslett, Malinda
Elsa Respighi: Beyond Venice

Johnson, James H.
Venice Betrayed: The Birth of Democracy and Napoleon's War

McClain, Hannah
Negotiating Enclosure: Girls, Women, and Custodial Institutions in Early Modern Italy

Nanavaty, Alexis
Collaborative practices in the decoration of Palladian Villas in the Veneto: The case of Battista Zelotti

Presciutti, Diana
Printing the Miraculous: Gender, Popular Religion, and Everyday Life in Renaissance Italy

Shapiro, Henry
An Istanbul-Armenian Informant about the Islamic World for Early Modern Italy:  An Intellectual Biography of Eremia K‘eōmurchean (1637-1695)

Tucker, Sally
The Figure of the Slave in the Early Modern Venetian Imaginary

Worthen, Amy
Venetian Humanist Cassandra Fedele (1465-1558) and her Family

Zanini-Cordi, Irene
Visualizing Social Capital: Isabella Teotochi Albrizzi's "Ritratti"


Allsopp, Benjamin
Containing, Framing, and Authentication: Interaction Between Passion Relics and Art in Venice and the Veneto c. 1460-1540

Castiglione, Caroline
The Body of Justice:  Moderata Fonte and The Worth of Women

Chen, Andrew
Ropes, Chains, and Yokes in Venetian Print Culture and Large-Scale Allegorical Painting, 1540–1580

Compton, Rebekah*
Where the Earth Meets the Sea: Art, Architecture, and Ecology at the Camaldolese Monasteries of St. Michael in Venice and Istria
* Recipient of the Henry A. Millon Award in Art and Architectural History

De Giorgi, Andrea
The Waterscapes of Altino and the Venetian Lagoon during the Roman Expansion

DeLancey, Julia
The Visual Culture of the Confraternity of the Blind in Early Modern Venice

Enriquez, Nicolyna
Tracing Sacred Pathways: Graffiti along the Southern Coast of Venetian Crete

Hogbin, Jessica
Innumerable Melancholies: Medicine and Mental Health in Renaissance Venice

Madden, Amanda
Mapping Urban Violence in Venice and the Terraferma, 1500-1700

Malusà, Alessandro Nicola
The Medialisation of Early Modern Venice's Sartorial Cultures and Artisanal Communities through Court Portraiture (1570-1620)

Marangos, Leah
Itinerant Images and Inventive Encounters: Michael Damaskinos, Georgios Klontzas, and Art in the Eastern Mediterranean

Morgan, Eileen
Structuring Nature: Peacocks, Food, and the History of Science, c. 1250-1550

Narayanan, Tirumular
Sultans of Babylon: Racialization and ‘Crypto-Visuality’ in Fourteenth- and Fifteenth-Century European Manuscripts

Piñon, Erin
Translatability and Confessionalism in Print: Armenian-Language Dictionaries and Vernacular Images in the Venetian Republic, Ottoman Empire, and Caucasus

Reynolds, Kevin
Papiamento in the Tradition of Romance Linguistics: From Teza’s "Il dialetto curassese," Ascoli’s "Substratum" Hypothesis, and Schuchardt’s Universalism to the Origin-Theory Debates and the Spanish/Portuguese Lexification Question

Rosenholtz-Witt, Jason
Between Innovation and Tradition: Musical Life in the Venetian Terraferma, 1550–1650

Schulz, Anne Markham
Petrographic analysis of the various stones employed in the sculpture of the Cappella Scrovegni, Padua

Strocchia, Sharon*
The Birth of the Brand: Patent Medicines in Late Renaissance Venice
* Recipient of the Giles Constable Award

Summers, George
The Knights Hospitaller in Venice and the Veneto, 1306-1480

Turner, Holli
The Role of Imperialism and Colonialism in Titian’s Poesie

Wolynes, Eve
Magic and Science, Business and Fun: Divination and Popular Astrology among Late Medieval and Early Modern Venetian Readers


Brown, Simeon W.
Recontextualizing the Roles of the Protopapas and Protopsaltis Through Music: The State of Orthodox Music in Fifteenth Century Venetian-Crete

Buonanno, Lorenzo*
A Lost Museum? Ecology and the Art of Fresco Painting in Renaissance Venice
Recipient of the Henry A. Millon Award in Art and Architectural History

Cohen, Sarah
The Icons of San Marco in Venice: Images, Relics, and the History of their Veneration in the Doge's Chapel, ca. 1100-1500

Dooley, Brendan
Venice, Hub of Renaissance Handwritten News

Hairston, Julia L.
Tullia d'Aragona in Venice

Johnston, Hannah
Go-Betweens: Sex, Labor, and Community in Early Modern Italy

Khoury, Meagan
Brush, Needle, Knife: Women's Creative Labor in Northern Italy, 1500-1650

Monzon, Michael
An Archaeoentomology Analysis of a Roman-Era Well to Characterize Impact of Insect Ecology to Ancient Venetian Health and Wellbeing

Morcos, Erene
Collecting, Constructing, and Copying the Greco-Latin Psalter

Morin, Thomas
Blood on the Page: Genoa, the Latin East, and Competing Narrative Traditions in the Medieval Mediterranean, 1099-1409

O'Connell, Monique*
Communication and Political Culture in Venice's Early Modern Empire
* Recipient of the Giles Constable Award

Pesce, Roberto
Prolegomena for a New Edition of Marino Sanudo Torsello’s Liber Secretorum Fidelium Crucis (Book of the Secrets of the Faithful of the Cross)

Qiu, Earnestine
The Anatolian Alexander Romances: Venetian Trade and Imperial Imaginations of Place and Power

Stantchev, Stefan K.
Venice, the Ottomans, and the Sea (1381-1417)

Weil, Ben
Constructing Identity: City Representation and the Formation of Community in Fourteenth-Century Italy


Berto, Luigi Andrea
The Venetians of the 1000s: A Prosopographical Study

Dal Prete, Ivano
Venice and the History of Deep Time

Dopfel, Costanza
The Impact of Plague Mortality and Demographic Depression on the Arts of Early Renaissance Venice

Eisensmith, Jacob
Anxieties and Influence: Italian Cultural Entanglements with the Ottoman Empire, 1400 - 1600

Francesconi, Federica
The Jewish Home in Early Modern Venice

Haslett, Malinda
Elsa Respighi:  Preserving the Legacy of the Woman who Shaped Music in 20th Century Italy and Beyond.

Horodowich, Elizabeth
The Wig in Eighteenth-Century Venice

House, Anna Christine Swartwood *
Surface Tensions: The Frescoed Facade in Venice and the Veneto
Recipient of the Henry A. Millon Award in Art and Architectural History

Kawiaka, Karolina
The Influence of Palladio’s Roman Bath Drawings on the Design of his Venetian Church Il Redentore

Miller, Caitlin
Leonardeschi Reconsidered: Giovanni Boltraffio, Andrea Solario, and Bernardino Luini, 1490-1530

Petkov, Kiril
War, Memory, and Identity in Seicento Venice: Emanuelle Mormori's War of Candia

Pippenger, Randall
Left Behind: Veterans, Widows, and Orphans in the Era of the Crusades

Rajagopalan, Mrinalini
A Palladian Church for an Indian “Princess”: The Venetian Antonio Reghellini in Nineteenth-century North India

Summers, George
The Knights Hospitaller in Venice, c. 1300–c.1500

Yu, Eunice*
A Printing Dynasty in Venice: The Bertelli and Their Networks
* Recipient of the Giles Constable Award


Ballinger, Pamela
Materializing Empire: Infrastructures of Italian Fascism

Bardeen, David
Arboreal Formations: The Dynamics of Wood in Italian Intarsia, 1450-1525

Blasina, James
St. Katherine of Alexandria and the Festa dei Dotti in 14th-Century Venice

Carlson, Raymond
Small Bronze Sculptures and Vernacular Studiolo Culture in the Veneto

Colleluori, Tylar
Moderata Fonte’s Floridoro and Italian Renaissance Chivalric Epic: Reinventing the Genre

Daly, Erin
Dreaming the Past: From Arche to the Epiphanous Moment in the Art of Gustave Moreau (1826-1898)

Ganis, Alberto
The Cultural Logics of Regional Institutional Variation: The Case-Study of Veneto and Lombardia

Husband, Jillian
Giovanni Girolamo Savoldo: Mobility, Networks, and Stylistic Plurality in Renaissance Italy

Hutchingame, Laura, Recipient of the Henry A. Millon Award in Art and Architectural History
Ship Hull Ceilings in the Venetian Lagoon: Woodworking, Naval Architecture, and Church Decoration, 1300-1650

Madden, Thomas
At the Gates of Christendom: Crusade, Memory, and Identity in Medieval and Early Modern Venice

McNamara, Celeste Irene
Sin in the Serenissima: Illicit Sexuality in Early Modern Venice

Pilgrim, James
Jacopo Bassano and the Environment of the Veneto

Rosenholtz-Witt, Jason
Between Innovation and Tradition: Musical Life in the Venetian Terraferma, 1550–1650

Small, Samantha
Franz von Stuck, Painter Provocateur

Stahl, Alan, Recipient of the Giles Constable Award
Commercial Organization in Late Fourteenth-Century Venice


Barker, Hannah
Race, Slavery, and Law in Medieval Italy

Brannum, Jacob
Negotiating Power: Authority and Social Organization in Fourteenth-Century Venice (1348-1381)

Carlsmith, Christopher
Save Venice, Inc.: Fifty Years of American Philanthropy and Art Conservation in Venice, 1971-2021

Castiglione, Caroline
Why Political Theory is Women’s Work:  Freedom and Justice in Moderata Fonte’s The Worth of Women (1600)

Chen, Andrew
Lorenzo Lotto and the Origins of a Penitential Portrait

Costiner, Lisandra
The Production, Circulation and Illustration of La vita della beata Vergine Maria e di Cristo and the Characteristics of Popular Devotion in Late-Medieval Italy

Hathaway, Ian Foss
Patenting Power: Travel, Diplomacy, and Coexistence in the Sixteenth-Century Mediterranean

Johnson, Sherri
The Venetian Origins of Monastic Reform in the Fifteenth-Century 

Jones, Alessandra
Viral Verdi: Italian Sonic Ecologies, 1848-1861

Keach, Kristen
The Italian Poetic Triumvirate Realized: Visualizing the Trionfi of the tre corone

Kittler, Juraj
From a Papermaker’s Vat to a Postman’s Bag: Tracing the History of the Enigmatic Avvisi, the Predecessors of Modern Newspapers

Koncz, Caroline
Beyond Titian’s Venus: The Nude Body and Social Control in Late Cinquecento Venetian Painting

Lansdowne, John
Mosaic Icons in Venice

Lopez, Bianca
The Balkan Plague-Bearers of Late-Medieval Italy: The Creation of a Minority Culture

Madden, Amanda
Factional Violence and the Remaking of Gender in Early-Modern Italy 

Patton, Maryam
By the Declining Day: Time and Temporal Cultures of the Early Modern Mediterranean

Pelletier, Chloe, Recipient of the Henry A. Millon Award in Art and Architectural History
Ecologies of Landscape & Labor: Visualizing the Environment in the Adriatic Renaissance

Pesce, Roberto
Venice and Rulers: The Liber de Regimine Rectoris of Paulinus of Venice

Preeshl, Artemis
At First Blush: The Mystery and Magic of Eleonora Duse

Ray, Meredith
Convent Bonds:  Arcangela Tarabotti and the “Tears for Regina Donà” (1650)

Stone, Marla
The Enemy: The Politics and Propaganda of Italian Anti-communism

Sytsma, Janine
The Politics of (In-)visibility: Africa at the Venice Biennale

Westwater, Lynn L.
Convent Bonds: Arcangela Tarabotti and The Tears for Regina Dona (1650)


Ables, Mollie
Musicians’ Networks in Late Seventeenth-Century Venice

Barry, Fabio
1) S. Maria dei Miracoli (1481-89), the Immaculate Conception, and the Architectural Imaginary of Pietro Lombardo; 2) Venice’s lost obelisk

Benedetti, Laura
Da Venezia al Cairo: note di viaggio del primo Cinquecento

Bennett, Anna
Embodying Magic: The Spiritual Dimensions of the Material in Enlightenment Venice

Brown-Hedjazi, Alexandria, Recipient of the Henry A. Millon Award in Art and Architectural History
Murano Mirrors for Safavid Silks: Caspian Chasubles in Venice and Venetian Mirror Palaces in Isfahan

Davis, Philip
Cross-Confessional Alliances in Early Seventeenth-Century Anglo-Italian State Diplomacy

Dumont, Anna Aline Mehlman
From Design Reform to Fascist Craft: Women and Italian Textile Production 1870-1945

Duntemann, Elizabeth
Negotiating Chronic Infirmity, Therapeutic Treatment, and Curative Power: The Visual and Spatial Rhetoric of Healing in Sixteenth Century Venice

Dwyer, Elizabeth
The Visionary Istorie of Veronese

Katz, Dana
Materials of Islam in Early Modern Europe 

Leitzel, Stephanie
Economies of Color: Global Commerce in Dyes and the Fate of Italian Textile Industries

Marcus, Hannah
The Limits of Life: A Cultural History of Longevity in Early Modern Europe

Martin, Rheagan Eric
Printing and Experience in Fifteenth-Century Venice

Moy, Charlotte
World as Her Province or Cell as Her World? The Duties of Nuns and Dimesse in Venice

Peritz, Jessica
Lyric Voice: Civilizing Song and the Politics of Feeling in Pre-Romantic Italy

Pon, Lisa
Paper Technologies of Venice’s Early Modern Plague

Rohan, Padraic
Transforming Empire: the Genoese from the Mediterranean to the Atlantic, 1291-1492

Stantchev, Stefan K.
Venice, the Ottoman Empire, and the Making of the Early Modern Mediterranean

Tirnanic, Galina
The Triumphal Gateway of Venice: Columns on the Piazzetta di Sam Marco

Tonelli, Vanessa
Music, Gender, and the Venetian Figlie del Coro, 1670-1740

Wang, Alexis
Between Icon and Narrative: The Embedded Panel of God the Father in the  Arena Chapel in Padua 

Whalen, Logan
Estoire d’Atile en Ytaire (History of Attila in Italy): A Critical Edition with Facing-Page English Translation

Zolli, Daniel
Donatello’s Promiscuous Technique: Experimentation and Collaboration in the Sculptor’s Paduan Workshop