Scholars’ Publication Subventions
Brill, Leiden, Netherlands
“Cittadini of Venice. Shaping Identities between Networks and Patronage (c.1530-1690)” by Giulia Zanon
University of Pennsylvania Press, Philadelphia, PA. “The House of Condulmer: The Rise and Decline of a Venetian Family in the Century of the Black Death” by Alan Stahl
Viella, Rome, Italy
“Il monastero femminile di Santa Croce alla Giudecca. Spazi, libri e immagini a Venezia tra medioevo ed età moderna” edited by Gianmario Guidarelli, Chiara Ponchia, Helena K. Szépe & Federica Toniolo
Yale University Press, New Haven, CT
“Suppling the Slave Trade” (tentative title) by Anne Ruderman
University of Toronto Press, Toronto, Canada
"Courting Celebrity: The Autobiographies of Angela Veronese and Teresa Bandettini" edited by Adrienne Ward and Irene Zanini-Cordi
Yale University, New Haven, CT
“Exhibiting Antonio Canova: Display and the Transformation of Sculptural Theory” by Christina Ferando
Paul Holberton Publishing, London, UK
”Venetian Disegno: New Frontiers, edited volume of conference proceedings” edited by Maria Aresin and Thomas dalla Costa
University of Massachusetts Foundation, Boston, MA
”The Performance of Sculpture in Renaissance Venice” by Lorenzo Buonanno
University of Massachusetts Press, Amherst, MA
“Save Venice Inc: American Philanthropy and Art Conservation in Italy, 1966-2021” by Christopher Carlsmith
Cambridge University Press, New York, NY
“The Art Collector In Renaissance Venice: Andrea Odoni and his Palace” by Monika Schmitter
Duke University, Department of Art, Art History and Visual Studies, Durham, NC
“A Marvelous View: Jacopo De’ Barbari’s Venice” by Kristin Love Huffman
Penn State University Press, University Park, PA
“Playful Pictures: Art, Leisure, and Entertainment in the Venetian Renaissance Home” by Chriscinda Henry
Viella, Rome, Italy
“Jacopo Tintoretto: Identity, Practice and Meaning,” multi-author work
Yale University Press London, London, England
“Fortuny’s Visions” by Wendy Ligon Smith
Centro di Studi Medievali e Rinascimentali “Emmanuele Antonio Cicogna,” Venezia, Italy
“History of the Venetian Dukes (1102-1229)” with an Appendix of Brief Venetian Historical Texts, edition, translation and introduction by Luigi Andrea Berto
Penn State University Press, University Park, PA
“Titian’s Icons: Tradition, Charisma, and Devotion in Renaissance Italy” by Christopher J. Nygren
IRSA, Artibus et Historiae, Krakow, Poland
“The Decoration of the Church of San Giacomo dall’Orio in Venice, 1566-1604: Palma il Giovane, Giovanni Maria da Ponte and the Counter-Reformation” by Marie-Louise Lillywhite
Yale University Press London, London, England
“Young Bellini” by Daniel Maze
Brepols Publishers, Turnhout, Belgium
English Edition of “Veronese” by David Rosand
Brepols Publishers, Turnhout, Belgium
“The History of Venetian Renaissance Sculpture (ca. 1400-1530)” by Anne Markham Schulz
Cambridge University Press, New York, NY
“The Venetian Discovery of America” by Elizabeth Horodowich
Casa Editrice Leo S. Olschki, Florence, Italy
“Printed Books of Hours from Fifteenth-Century Italy. The Texts, the Books and the Survival of a Long-Lasting Genre” by Cristina Dondi
Yale University Press London, London, England
“Pietro Bembo and the Intellectual Pleasures of a Renaissance Writer and Art Collector” by Susan Nalezyty
Yale University Press London, London, England
The cost of images for the book “Paolo Veronese and the Practice of Painting in Late Renaissance Venice” by Diana Gisolfi